Minutes – 19 May 2010

North Kelvin Community Council Minutes
Wednesday 19 May 2010 at 6:30pm
St. Charles School

Present: Dave Beavan (DB) (Chair); Gordon Barnes (GB) (Website & Library); Peter Blackshaw (PB) (Secretary); Karen Chung (KC); Susie Hallas (SH); Councillor Jim MacKechnie (JMacK); Jane Morgan (JM) (Planning Officer); Douglas Peacock (DP); Kate Wooding (KW) (Treasurer); Kirsty Davidson (KD) (Minute Secretary)

In attendance: PC Gerard Christie (GC); PC Karen Collins (KC); Martin Venherm (MV)

Apologies: Ken Andrew (KA) (Vice-Chair); Janet Andrews (JA); Kevin Edgar (KE); Liz Edgar (LE); PC Ross Whyte (RW)

1.     Welcome

DB welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2.     Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising

JMacK confirmed the Community Council would not automatically receive a copy of the proposed changes to the conservation area boundary, but can write and ask for a copy.

The minutes of the April meeting were approved by KW and seconded by DP.

3.     Police Report

DB reported PC Ross Whyte (RW) had emailed him and said if operational matters allowed then someone would be attending the meeting.

PC Gerard Christie (GC) apologised for arriving late. GC said PC Jonathan Rowell (JR) or GC’s replacement, when he is replaced, would be attending meetings when RW is unable to attend.

GC provided the crime figures for last month. There were – 3 bike thefts, 3 drug possessions, 12 drinkers, 17 cases of vandalism (cars and closes), 5 house break-ins and 10 motor vehicle thefts or thefts from a motor vehicle. GC said the target was sat navs and reiterated these should be kept out of sight, including the holders.

SH and PB raised the issue of a van, which had been sitting unmoved on Oban Drive for the last three weeks. GC said he would investigate.

Action: GC to check whether the vehicle is taxed and insured.

4.     Councillor’s Report

JMacK said there was not much to report, as Glasgow City Council (GCC) should not be taking major decisions during a general election.

JMacK reported that in a few weeks New City Vision would begin the 12-week formal pre-application community consultation process, which must happen before the planning application can be submitted. JMacK said they would probably contact the Community Council to arrange to attend an upcoming meeting.

JMacK said the site investigation on the Clouston Street site had been delayed. Lawyers for both parties were still discussing the issue of granting a licence to the North Kelvin Meadow Campaign, to allow them to remain on site until the end of November. DP said the campaign were happy to sign, but had been told they needed to form an organisation rather than sign as individuals, which they have now done.

JMacK confirmed site work has started on the former garage site at the bottom of Oban Drive and that discussions were ongoing with Scottish Water with regards to the former school site on Oban Drive. JMacK said GCC were actively involved in discussions with both Scottish Water and Queens Cross Housing Association to reach a conclusion.

JMacK reported that the residents of 7 Jedburgh Gardens had been written to about a commemoration to Lieutenant Jock Young. Three out of the eight residents have replied so far. JMacK said it was possible that the others might be tenants rather than owners, so this was being investigated. JMacK confirmed the Head of Planning is able to fund the commemoration, so there is no need for the Community Council to contribute.

5.     Planning Officer’s Report

JM said the Firhill development was still listed, as being at the consultation stage and there were no other applications of interest.

JM said there would be a consultation process to go through for the proposed changes to the conservation area boundary. JM she would write to the Planning Section at Development and Regeneration Services to get a copy of the document.

Action: JM to get a copy of the proposed conservation area boundary change document.

6.     Information – website

GB reported that he had emailed everyone about how to deal with contact details on the website. GB said he was working on the new website and hoped to have some detail to show soon and offered his apologises for the delay.

DB asked GB to keep the date of the next meeting fresh on the current website in the meantime.

Action: GB to maintain the next meeting section of the current website.

7.     Treasurer’s Report

KW reported the account balance is now £838.70.

DB asked PB to add discussion on what to spend Community Council money on to next month’s agenda.

Action: PB to add to next month’s agenda.

DB apologised that he had not contacted the Community Council Resource Centre (CCRC) about the information display in Hillhead Library, but he would, to see how the Community Council could contribute.

Action: DB to contact the CCRC about getting the Community Council information on the display.

8.     Communications and correspondence

PB reported the North Glasgow Development Group have requested that the Community Council consider contributing £300 for a full football kit for one of the children’s teams. DB asked PB to add grant for local organisation to next month’s agenda.

Action: PB to add to next month’s agenda.

PB confirmed the Community Council had received an administrative grant of £579.95 from the CCRC.

9.     AOCB

KW suggested pursuing having a stall or joint stall at the West End Festival on Festival Sunday. The Community Council agreed with this suggestion.

Action: KW agreed to organise obtaining generic information on Community Councils from the CCRC. JM said she would be happy collect it from their office. KW agreed to contact the organisers of the West End Festival to see if the Community Council is able to get a stall. DB agreed to contact the Chairs of other local Community Councils once the stall is confirmed, to see if they are interested in having a joint stall.

MV suggested thinking of a long-term strategy, such as circulating material at the local Farmer’s Market. DB said this could be discussed at next month’s meeting as part of the discussion on how to spend money.

Next meeting: 16 June 2010 @ 6.30pm, St. Charles School


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