Minutes – 14 December 2005
Minutes 14 December 2005 (draft text)
Present K.R (secretary, Enviro SC), D.N (Youth SC, NW Area Comm), M.A ( NK pitches/school SC) J.A. M (chair, Enviro.) R. N(Info, NK pitches /school site SC) J. A, Cllr J. Mackechnie (GCC)
Apologies Police, P. T, D.G, H. G, J. H, J. H, F. MacI, A. S, R. C
Councillor Report Parking
Cllr. Mackechnie gave an update on parking issue in Belmont St/ Wilton St. Following discussion at Nov NK CC meeting he distributed a map showing proposed position of yellow lines ( on two uphill sides of the triangular island) and on all nearby street and lane corners. It was explained that the additional yellow lines at Doune Gdns were to assist in refuse uplift. A one way system is not being recommended because of turning difficulties for larger vehicles at top of triangle. Those present at meeting had no issues with the proposed changes but RN to forward info to FM for comment. After receiving NKCC opinions the council will issue a traffic order and this will be followed by public consultation period.
NK School Site and Pitches
Lots of activity regarding their future. The school site has been conveyed to Queens Cross HA for housing. It is believed this will be tenemental properties up Oban Drive and town houses behind, approx 100 units in total. Undercroft parking expected for tenements. A mix of social rental and owner occupier properties. Communications from NKCC can be addressed to Frank McCabe Queens X Housing (also Neil McKinnon) JA flagged up possible problems with increased traffic on to Q. Margaret Drive increasing tailbacks. It was pointed out that a traffic assessment would need to be commissioned however these are generally favourable to proposed developments. The recent city council discussion dealt only with the footprint of the school site BUT other recent council business has put the future of the NK pitches (top of Q. Margaret Dr.) in jeopardy. The City Council has been planning a budget for the coming year. Culture and Leisure Services put forward its Playing Pitches Strategy – the pitches described as surplus include NK – this would imply that the intention is to dispose of NK pitches in 06/07. (There is however some anomaly in that the DRS masterplan for the NK pitches has not been put forward for this coming year). Cllr Mackechnie strongly opposed the NK pitches being branded surplus (pointing out their steadily increasing usage) but was out voted. The land is currently owned by Dev and Reg and its cost in lost annual revenue is estimated at 60K per annum. If the pitches go for development compensatory provision would need to be provided. Because the present pitches are blaize it is likely that this would be one pitch only of a higher quality (not necessarily on the site or even nearby.) MA explained footballers using the pitches would like to replace the blaize with synthetic surface. Nk pitches and school site sub committee to discuss campaign to start directly after new year. Cllr Mackechnie requested to be copied in to all official correspondences. JA reminded us of popular but failed campaign to use school site for a swimming pool – indicating level of public interest in community use of these sites
Constitutional Change
As discussed previously change in constitution to remove sub areas from North Kelvin CC area. Delete 2.1 (sub areas as marked on nkcc map) Delete 4.2 Proposed RN seconded DN ,vote unanimous in favour. NKCC wishes to affirm it’s commitment to represent residents from all areas of North Kelvin and will strive to attract further members from the Queens Cross area. JAM to inform Resource Centre of this change.
Environment Sub Committee
Met to discuss recycling points which are considered to be inadequate and not well known due to lack of sign posting. The sub committee would like to see many small and well designed recycling points around the area. Self sorting is considered preferable to the blue bin for tenements approach (where all recyclables are mixed and are therefore more likely to be contaminated) Suitable sites have been pinpointed by JAM. Correspondence Letter from ASCC (assoc of scot CC’s) asking if we are currently members. It is thought that our intention to join last year failed to be followed up with the subscription. HG to be informed.
Any other Business
Discussion about boundary changes expected with the Community Planning Partnership. JAM pointed out that while most of NK fits in well with the CPP boundaries ,2 Streets in our area (including Hotspur St) will necessitate dealing with 2 further councillors. It was pointed out that it’s probably not desirable to change NKCC boundary and request transfer of these streets to neighbouring CC (Wyndford has been inactive for many years.) Feedback from Community Council annual seminar from JAM and RN.
NKCC response to CC review by National Exec required by February. Compendium Trust Field trip last week. JH to bring info to January meeting.
JA (a trust member) supplied latest info from trust: Development programme available (planning application expected mid March) Costs have risen. Site inspection (including drilling) expected soon. AGM followed by Public Meeting planned for the new year (KM to contact trust for dates). Trust states low lighting and noise control are priorities.
City Plan RN reminded those present of the previous suggestion from Cllr Mackechnie to link up with other west end CC’s to discuss making joint suggestions for new phase of City Plan. Responses needed by February. KR to approach other CC’s.
Next meeting Wed 11th Jan 7pm, Queens x Community Room 472 Maryhill Rd