Minutes – 18 February 2009
North Kelvin Community Council Minutes
Wednesday 18 February 2009 at 6.30pm
St. Charles School
Present: Mark Adams (MA) (Chair); Janet Andrews (JA); Peter Blackshaw (PB) (Secretary); Dave Beavan (DB) (Website & Library); Dorothy Gow (DG); Councillor Jim MacKechnie (JM); Kirsty Davidson (KD) (Minute Secretary)
In Attendance: Suzanne Macleod (SM), Operations Manager, North, Glasgow Community & Safety Services
Apologies: Eddie Devlin (ED); Kevin Edgar (KE) (Treasurer); Liz Edgar (LE); Susie Hallas (SH)
MA welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising
PB confirmed the Canal Community Liaison Officer will be attending the March meeting.
Action: DB to advertise this on the website.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved by MA and seconded by DB.
Police Report
MA said he had still not heard from PC Gerard Christie.
Action: PB to email the Police and invite them to the next meeting.
Councillor’s Report
JM confirmed 115/117 Queen Margaret Drive was now a homeless hostel. He is looking into why neither the Community Council nor he had been notified about the change of use of the premises, and will report back at the next meeting.
JM reported the next Community Champion’s Awards event is taking place next Tuesday at Maryhill Community Central Halls.
Action: DB to advertise this event on the website.
Presentation from Suzanne Macleod, Glasgow Community & Safety Services
SM thanked the Community Council for inviting her to the meeting.
SM explained that Glasgow Community & Safety Services (GCSS) works in partnership with the Council and Strathclyde Police, among others, to provide services for the individual, families and the community.
GCSS covers areas such as antisocial behaviour services, city centre task force, community security, environmental enhancement, community justice and young people and tackling violence against women. GCSS is currently seeking Neighbourhood Improvement Volunteers to help identify improvements that will benefit the community.
Action: DB to advertise for Neighbourhood Improvement Volunteers on the website.
MA said litter, graffiti and dumping are the three main issues in our area. MA explained the Community Council want to become more proactive, so we have produced a spreadsheet detailing graffiti in the area.
Action: It was agreed DB would email SM the spreadsheet every month and a link would be added to the website, so the general public can also report incidents of graffiti.
Treasurer’s Report
PB handed DB a cheque for the website renewal, in KE’s absence. MA passed PB the invoice for the posters, so he could write a cheque.
Information – website
DB reported he had added the Community Council to the local community site on the Evening Times website. There is now a link under ‘Groups and societies’ and also a notice on the pin board on the front page. DB said the information will expire, but we can keep renewing it.
DB reported there were 754 page views in January, which may be the start of an upward trend. MA offered his thanks to DB, which everyone else agreed with.
DB said he was still waiting to hear from Alex Hewetson (AH) about the Council’s portal pilot.
Action: DB to email AH for an update.
Action: MA asked DB to write a couple of hundred words on working with GCSS on graffiti and anti-social behaviour and add this to the website.
Communications and correspondence
PB said there is a who runs it Community Council Discussion Group on 14 March, if anyone is interested let him know.
PB said the Community Council have received an invitation to the Royal Garden Party, and asked people to let him know if they were interested in going.
PB reported that one of the vacant shops on Queen Margaret Drive has applied for a licence to open as a tattoo/piercing parlour. PB tabled concerns about the suitability of this kind of business in the neighbourhood. There were no other strong views on the matter and therefore no action is to be taken.
MA asked everyone to take some of the posters and to report back where they put them up.
Next meeting – 18 March 2009 @ 6.30pm, St. Charles School