Minutes – 18 June 2008

North Kelvin Community Council Minutes

Wednesday 18 June 2008 at 6.30pm

Queens Cross Community Room

Present: Mark Adams (MA) (Chair); Janet Andrews (JA); Dave Beavan (DB) (Website & Library); Peter Blackshaw (PB) (Secretary); Eddie Devlin (ED); Kevin Edgar (KE) (Treasurer); Liz Edgar (LE); Dorothy Gow (DG); Councillor Jim MacKechnie (JM); Councillor Kieran Wild (KW); Kirsty Davidson (KD) (Minute Secretary)

In Attendance: PC Paul Anderson (PA); PC Donna Fraser (DF) from Saracen Police station

Apologies: Susie Hallas (SH); PC Martin McInnes (MMcI)


MA welcomed everyone to the meeting.

PA introduced his colleague, DF who covers the Possil area.

Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved by DB and seconded by MA.

Police Report

PA provided the crime figures for the period 18 May-18 June. There were a total of 44 crimes, of these 19 were detected – vandalism, theft, road traffic offences and youth disorder incidents.

PA said they will be monitoring the football pitches over the summer. They are also currently paying close attention to Oban Drive/Fergus Drive, as a result of the recent vandalism to car windscreen wipers.

JA said there had been some fires on Fergus Drive recently, refuse on the pavement had been set alight. PA said they are aware of this and he is going to ask Land and Environmental Services about pick up dates.

Discussion on Stakeholder Councils and Membership

MA recapped the main points of Alex Hewetson’s presentation, for those that were not at last months meeting.

It was agreed the Community Council would endorse a code of conduct, standardisation and a common polling day, but would not endorse a single transferable vote. Proposed by JA and seconded by LE.

Discussion on Planning Officers Position

PB said Gillian Stevenson (GS) has not attended the last few meetings. This leaves the Community Council with no planning officer.

As nobody present was interested in the vacancy, it was agreed to leave it vacant at the moment.

Action: PB to arrange for all mail relating to planning to be sent to him.

KD said that GS had also been the Vice-Chair. MA asked ED to chair the August meeting, as he will not be able to attend.

Councillors’ Report

Clouston Street

JM reported that after analysing the four tenders, as well as comments from the public, Glasgow City Council (GCC) will proceed with the New City Vision tender. JM said the local community would be consulted before a planning application was submitted.


JM reported that GCC has acquired a narrow gauge vehicle, so the backcourt recycling service will be extended by the end of June.

Kelvin Drive Back Lane

There has been a problem recently with fly tipping. Almost as soon as JM reported the problem officers went down to investigate. As a result, two penalty notices have been given to a local occupant and there is another notice pending.

Wilton Street

JM reported the Health and Safety Executive have submitted a report to the Procurator Fiscal regarding the building collapse.

Oban Drive

JM reported that the planning application went before GCC yesterday and that he was able to speak to the Committee. He raised concerns about vehicular access being via the nursery and the access bridges. GCC do not see the bridges as a security risk, apparently they are commonplace in the West End.

The planning application has been continued for another week, so that Planning Officers and the developer can discuss an alternative access route (via the Fire Station).

Action: KW said he would speak to Queen’s Cross Housing Association to see if they would consider introducing gates below the bridges.

MA raised the issue of the condition of the grass in Ruchhill Park. The grass has been churned up by lorries during the building of the new play area, and has not been reinstated. The only grass football pitch in the park has also been affected.

LE reported that bin men were still not closing close doors behind them. KW said that Kenny Barry (KB) from Land and Environmental Services was the best person to contact.

Action: KB to be approached and invited to attend a future meeting.

PB asked about the situation with Oban Passage. JM said that Education Services and Queen’s Cross Housing Association both own the passage, so resurfacing will not happen until the development goes ahead.

Treasurer’s Report

KE said that there is more money in the account than previously reported, a total of £1,021 (including the GCC grant).

KE reported that there continues to be problems with the account, and that he was not notified of this fact. A new signatories form needs to be completed, as they have lost the previous one.

Action: Signatories form to be completed by relevant parties.

MA suggested reviewing the bank account after the current problems are resolved.

Information – website

DB reported that the website had 550 page views in May.

DB said that as agreed at the last meeting, he had added a link to the advice notes for community councils.

DB said that he had also advertised the recent North Glasgow Football Development Group football tournament and added the 2004 and 2005 archived Community Council minutes to the website.

Communications and correspondence

PB circulated a document from GCC with regards to allotments.

Action: PB to add allotments to the agenda for the August meeting.


ED reported that he was co-opted onto the Area Committee yesterday and the next meeting will be on 19 August.

MA reported that he had booked a community room for future meetings, at St Charles’s School, from 20 August until 18 March 2009.

Next meeting – Wednesday 16 July @ 6.30pm, Crosslands Pub


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