Minutes – 19 December 2007
North Kelvin Community Council Minutes
Wednesday 19 December 2007 at 6.30pm
Crosslands Bar, Queen Margaret Drive
Present: Mark Adams (MA) (Chair); Dave Beavan (DB) (Website & Library); Peter Blackshaw (PB) (Secretary); Eddie Devlin (ED); Kevin Edgar (KE) (Treasurer); Liz Edgar (LE); Susie Hallas (SH); Kirsty Davidson (KD) (Minute Secretary)
Apologies: Michael Abubakur (MA); PC Paul Anderson (PA); Janet Andrews (JA); Colin Dobbie (CD); Councillor Jim MacKechnie (JM)
Absent: Dorothy Gow (DG); Gillian Stevenson (GS) (Vice-Chair)
MA welcomed everyone to the meeting and said that it was good to have the previous minutes out via email before the meeting.
Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising
The minutes of the previous meeting held were approved by ED and seconded by DB.
There were no matters arising.
Treasurer’s Report
KE reported that MA, PB and he have to complete the change of signatories form.
MA said that he was keen to get the problems with the bank account resolved quickly, as we owe money to both St Charles Church and Queens Cross Housing Association.
Action: Signatories form to be completed by relevant parties. KE agreed to go to the bank and find out what we do next.
Planning Report
DB said that the plans for the old school site on Oban Drive have now been validated and published as part of a weekly list of Council planning applications.
Action: MA to contact GS to see if she is aware the plans have been validated and what she plans to do. In the meantime, LE agreed to draft a letter notifying the local community that the planning application had been validated. MA agreed to approve the letter and ED agreed to deliver the letter around the local community.
Information – website
DB said that the old domain name should be released from the redemption period anytime soon. MA said that legacy information should be deleted before the website is uploaded. MA also said that if anyone has any news etc they should let DB know.
SH suggested that once the website was up and running again a leaflet and poster should be produced, to let people know about the community council.
Communications and correspondence
There were no communications or correspondence to report.
Current issues
SH raised the issue of car crime, MA said that it was endemic in this area. MA said that PA would bring the car crime statistics to the next meeting, so SH should raise this issue again at the next meeting.
Other business and open forum
MA said that the Council representative responsible for positioning recycling will be attending the next meeting to discuss locations for recycling facilities.
Next meeting – Wednesday 16 January @ 6.30pm, Queens Cross Community Room