Minutes – 8 September 2004

Minutes 8 September 2004

Venue: Queen’s Cross Community Rooms.

Present: S P (Chair), DG (Vice Chair) R C (Minute Secretary), R N (Website and library), B G (Health), D N (Youth Sub Committee), J A and A l. Ex Officio: Councillor Mack.

In attendance: S Y and C K. Apologies: M T, Ka C, D K, L S, M B.

1. Registration, apologies and new members. Minutes proposed by SP and seconded by DN. Received nominations forms from R N, B G, A L and C K. They stood unopposed and were brought on officially.

2. Community Police – apologies. M Barrow unavailable but he did send a briefing. There has been a slight rise in car related crimes and they have arrested someone they believe to have been responsible for a number of break-ins. They are also continuing to monitor youth disorder in the area. AL described a robbery in Clouston Court at the end of August where a woman was left badly injured.

3. Councillor Jim Mackechnie – bus box in Queen Margaret Drive is to be replaced following the road resurfacing. Two shops in Firhill Road are to be rented and turned into a grocer and newsagent. The cleansing department is to survey which tenement properties are suitable forwheelie bin collection. Apparently many people want these bins but the proprietors would be obliged to remove the roofs of bin shelters and access to the back lanes might be a problem too.60 Steps – the trust’s been formed. Public Meeting 15th November 2004 to launch the trust.

4. Councillor Haleema Malik was not available.

5. Correspondence and matters arising. DN to vote on behalf of NKCC in Scottish Civic Forumannual elections. Joint Invitation from Hillhead and Kelvinside Community Council to discuss planning (meeting at 7pm, November 11th 04 at Hillhead Library). NKCC has been asked to comment on public processions and demonstrations. BG will respond after circulating letter to NKCC group.


7. Treasurer – Apologies from DK.

8. Planning, Licensing and North West Area Committee Apologies from MT.

9. Website and Library. RN presented plan for developing web site – she will put in details of meetings in next few weeks and will develop website and links. RN has also taken on the library.

10. Health – BG asked questions about the role and sought advice from JA.

11. Communications – RC said NKCC should be looking for new members and trying to build up waiting list. To do this she’s going to talk to Queen’s Cross Housing Association and ask if NKCC can have a regular slot in the newsletter. Also, she said they should come up with template for easy minute taking for sub committees. SP agreed to do this.

12. Current Issues – Youth Sub Committee Chair is DN plus LS and KC. Duration 13 months. Objective – to identify and respond to youth needs, to make young people aware of NKCC, to allow voice of local young people to be heard within the Queens Cross Association area and Eastern Side of area. Powers – to correspond, to research, to hold meetings and make recommendations to NKCC and take such action as deemed necessary.

River Kelvin Sub Committee was proposed – DG, RB and RC potential members.

Constitutional Changes – changes include 3 signatures on every cheque, procedure for election (these were approved) changes in sub area will be proposed at AGM.

Plan for October’s AGM (DN and JMCK apologised in advance) DG will make poster to advertise.

CC Training – Community Council to undergo training at November meeting – SP in charge of organising it. It was agreed to provide water and plastic cups during monthly meetings.

13. AOCB

14. Open Forum – Compendium Trust and NK site should always be on the agenda under current issues as they’re very important. SP to invite Jim McChesney Chair of Compendium Trust in December to address NKCC.

15. Next Meeting – AGM -Queens Cross Community Rooms, 472 Maryhill Road Oct 6th 7 – 9pm


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