Minutes – 9 February 2005

Minutes 9 February 2005

1. Welcome and Registration, SP expressed thanks to all people working on council. a. Present: A L, D G (Vice Chair), S P (Chair), J A (Councillor), M T (Councillor), R N (Information), B G (Minutes); D F-F (River Watch), J Mack (City Council), S Mackie (Maryhill Community Police) b. Apologies – H Malik, K Mosson, R, D, D K

2. Minutes of Previous Meetings and Matters Arising a. JM proposed the following amendments: p2 para D JM said the main public issues are availability of beat police and response times, 4a Gap site JM’s objections included car parking in the street, car deck at back and the overshadowing of neighbouring properties, looking for conformity of existing built form in the area, the second submission was improved from first submission. b. Action: In future people are to reply to draft minutes in advance of the meeting.Proposed MT, second RN

3. Police Report by S Mackie, a. Inspector Ross has acted on our concerns about graffiti and now confirms that the cleansing department will respond faster to notices of vandalism. b. Crime figures of the area were reviewed and car crimes highlighted as problematic in the area. People are reminded to leave belongings out of sight in locked cars. SM gave crime prevention tips to Robina for website. One individual was caught buying alcohol for a minor in the area. To help prevent disorder, we should let police know where people are hanging out. Further to a request by SP, SM will ask Saracen police to come to meeting or get information on the area including Firhill and Murano Village. Further to concerns about traffic congestion on Maryhill Road around 4.30 pm each day and about private cars using the bus lane. SM will investigate. Regarding a car parked outside the Strathmore Bar, SM informed us that the police no longer have powers to give tickets. Economically traffic wardens who now give tickets will be working where there are more cars.

4. Councillor Reports from Jim Mackechnie a. On the Kelvin Walkway, discussions are ongoing about whether to repair or replace QMRoad hand rail. Replacement seems better. b. The walkway near Belmont street bridge is sometimes flooded where the Kelbourne is supposed to be channelled under the roadway. Some drainage work was done a few years ago but water still comes out of the embankment on the righthand side. Additional work will be carried out in the next few months. c. The Wilton Street gap site has received planning consent by 10 votes to 8. JM informed them of the issues that are causing concern but the majority approved the plans. d. The Boundary of two wards between JM and John Gray passes through the centre of the old iron works site on Panmuir Street. At this point planning permission has been applied for regarding constructing 170 units restricted to 4 floors and including balconies. The Westminster constituency boundary runs through the site also The development may look more like the Murano Village than traditional flats.. JA asked how close this is to the temporary buildings going up for canal activities and expressed concern that canal activity would be restricted due to the residential development. A public footpath is planned for the north side of the canal. Mike has sent comments. JM is not expecting a lot of objections. e. JM received a complaint about lighting at the Belmont shop. This was held to be inappropriate for that location. The proprietor has been told to change it. f. There has been lots of activity on secondary school site: walls facing inside were covered in graffiti but were painted out quickly last week. JM also actioned a clear up of the site. Some builders’ rubbish left behind the Crosslands Pub by poor quality contractors will take more time to remove. g. The gate next to fire station has been forced opened and any locks and chains removed. JM has pressed for action on that. It should have been secured by Tuesday night. Anyone parked inside has a phone number to call to be let out. People in Oban Drive don’t want to look on a car park, flytippers or dumpers. AL thinks the parking is mostly from the builders at the flats. h. Lastly tomorrow [10 February] is Council Budget Day; the recommended 2.4% could be lowest in Scotland. Glasgow has been trying to get tax level down to Scottish average. However our social work needs are so great. Note that the water rates will also be going up their own amount, so the final combined figure may seem more than the set amount. i. Janet received permission to write to Kirsteen Mosson about the playpark. The same graffiti has been on the seats for last 3-4 months. SP suggests developing this opportunity to engage with local residents .Action: JA to write to Councillor Mosson

5. Treasurer’s Report a. The Air Cadets on Shakespeare Street have approached the NKCC for a grant. This request was declined as our present funds are low and are only for administrative costs. b. MT proposed creating a ‘Community Chest’ similar to one in Clackmannanshire. This would be a co-funded account with commercial partners which sets transparent criteria for award, disperses money on a quarterly basis and ensures that the beneficiaries are primarily from this council area. Such a fund helps the NKCC develop and active profile in the community. c. This suggestion met with approval but we currently have insufficient capacity to bring this forward. SP suggests drawing up a list of ideas for developing such a fund consideration and discussing it after the October election.

6. Planning, Licensing & Northwest Area report by MT a. The Panmuir Street development is consistent with the city plan and is modern in design. MT’s main concerns were the public footpath – how public would it be? road safety and car reliance, brown field site problems and possibilities of flooding. These have been acknowledged. b. Constructive suggestions for softening visual impact of Tesco on Maryhill Road (trees) and reducing the impact on Shakespeare street of 24/7 operation and congestion have not been acknowledged. c. The community plan: the 1 February deadline was extended. We have no problems with strategic level. The plan is weak on inclusion and dealing with poverty. The engagement agenda seems to be a separate part of the plan, but the engagement is lagging behind plan development. The community must be at the heart of planning. There are no measures of success – MT sees too much emphasis on meeting nationally set goals, rather than locally agreed goals. It needs more continuous consultation. d. We need to think about the implications of population trends and economic focus for the City Plan, the planning framework of which is starting to be reviewed. MT will draft some suggestions which we can discuss at the 9 March meeting. e. NW Area committee meeting was useful. f. The Compendium Trust – the SportScotland application is to be in by 1 March. Total guaranteed budget of £650,000. Another £200,000 extra money will be needed. g. JA mentioned that money once available for SIPS will be moved and spread to greater level and available by theme so we may have greater access to funding in the future.

7. Information – Website and Library a. The police did not consider that putting the crime statistics on the website would be a good idea. Someone enquired about the availability community halls (JA answered). Someone else asked about an unsafe disused shop on Dunard Street. There was no response from Councillor Malik (she’s away for 5 weeks). SP says when enquiries come in, give them details of their local councillor. b. 38 people attended the Neighbourhood Watch meeting for the river, 10 on official business, 4 people offered to come on committee and a few more are needed. The first meeting will be next Monday. There has been an increase in website hits due to the Kelvin Watch. c. Newsletter – R thinks it’s a good idea. SP said we should time the newsletter with our public meetings in Aril and October. MT thinks a newsletter is a good idea, but warns that either the job becomes too big or energy and ideas run out. RN suggests double-sided A4 if everyone will help out. JM says each grant application must go before DRS committee as a separate agenda item. Timing is crucial – think of DRS committee meetings. J suggests lodging the application as soon as possible but need to decide what everyone is going to contribute. SP still recommends it for further discussion at the next meeting. d. SP proposed adding suicide prevention assistance info to website and newsletter. SM said police have some information to share on this.

8. Health a. Three items have been received, all of which invite responses in the near future. i. The Sandyford Initiative for providing and developing family planning, sexual health and emotional health services is planning to improve the use of local clinics by creating local hubs in more accessible locations. When the plan is approved the first hubs will be in Govanhill and Castlemilk Health Centres. Over the next 5 years other hubs will be developed. For our area this will open at Woodside Health Centre. Consultation papers may be obtained at www.nhsgg.org.uk or by phoning 0141 211 8151. There is also a card on which comments may be made. All comments should be received by 11 February. ii. The Involving People Committee is holding another ‘Our Health’ event at Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, 24 February, 9.30 for 10.00. This is a facilitated consultation exercise involving as many interested people as possible. The topic will be the development of the CHPs and their relationship to the Public Partnership Forums and the LHCCs. A registration form is available as is a summary report of the previous ‘Our Health’ event. iii. Finally, the Partnership for Care – Next Steps sends its proposed structures for implementing the new directives of increasing consistency and efficiency of service provision and devolved decision-making. The attached documents outlines in more detail their efforts to ensure these goals are realised. Comments are requested by 14 February. The documents can be viewed on www.nhsgg.org.uk/reorganisation. b. In addition, Beverly has had another go at getting the address changed for health documents.

9. Youth Sub-Committee, CCH, Scottish Civic Forum a. Donny is enthusiastic about working with Ian Ross. SP will replace Linda and do minutes for these meetings. SP will arrange meeting.[Note: this took place on Monday 14 February.]

10. Communications – These included items on licensing, the dog-fouling act, Aye Write Festival, a summary report of the air quality plan, the physical activity strategy requesting comments by April 16., an enquiry into boundaries from Scottish Civic Forum, [there was a public meeting 8 February about co-terminosity of Westminster and Scots parliament boundaries] and printed booklets of the parades policy. SP provided an updated contact list.

11. Correspondence see item 10

12. Organisational Matters The Community Council’s are reviewing insurance. We should have special meeting of office bearers but SP will read and respond and update us at next meeting.

13. AOCB/ Late Issues

14. Open Forum (Public Contributions)

15. Next Meetings 9 March, 13 April, 11 May, 8 June (no meeting in July)


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