Minutes – 20 February 2008

North Kelvin Community Council Minutes

Wednesday 20 February 2008 at 6.30pm

Queens Cross Community Room

Present: Mark Adams (MA) (Chair); Dave Beavan (DB) (Website & Library); Peter Blackshaw (PB) (Secretary); Eddie Devlin (ED); Kevin Edgar (KE) (Treasurer); Liz Edgar (LE); Dorothy Gow (DG); Councillor Jim MacKechnie (JM); Councillor Kieran Wild (KW); Kirsty Davidson (KD) (Minute Secretary)

In Attendance: PC Paul Anderson (PA); PC Martin McInnes (MMcI) from Saracen Police station

Apologies: Janet Andrews (JA); Susie Hallas (SH); Gillian Stevenson (GS)


MA welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising

The minutes of the December meeting were approved by MA and seconded by KE and the minutes of the previous meeting were approved by PB and seconded by DB.

There were no matters arising.

Police Report

PA provided the crime figures from the start of February. There were a total of 26 crimes, of these 13 were detected – 5 vandalism, 4 breach of the peace, 1 drugs, 4 drinking, 6 thefts, 2 littering, 3 road traffic offences and 1 case of indecency.

PA said that he had informed officers about the problems on North Kelvinside football pitches and there had been a greater presence in the area.

PA reported that now MMcI is in post they will be carrying out cycle patrols on the River Kelvin and the Forth and Clyde Canal, as soon as MMcI has completed his training.

ED reported that there has been a recent problem with litter on Oban Drive and he suspects students. PA said that he had a good relationship with the Director of Campus Services and would relay a message to students that it is becoming a problem and they will be arrested if it does not stop.

Discussion on councillors attendance

MA welcomed KW to the meeting. KW said that he is planning to attend every second meeting.

MA said that JM has done a lot of good things for the Community Council and that the other two councillors are not historically interested in our area. However, they should continue to receive updates and invites.

Councillors’ Report

Clouston site

KW said that he had received a number of letters from residents with ideas for a community garden on the site.

JM said that four prime submissions had been received and these were currently being worked up. The submissions will then come before the Council for comment and one will be chosen.

Wilton Street tenement collapse

JM said that the Health and Safety Executive are still sifting through all the evidence and it will be at least a month before the report is ready.

North Kelvinside football pitches

JM reported that the Council want to have a meeting to discuss the development. MA said that this has been arranged for 27 February.

Resurfacing on Oban Passage

JM said that the issue of trying to find out who owns the passage is ongoing. The council are currently reviewing the material, some of which has come from Edinburgh.

Oban Drive

JM reported that there was still no movement on when the plans will be going to committee. However, he has submitted his own objections – focusing on road access and the security implications of sub ground level places for people to congregate.

Planning Report

Former Shell garage site

MA reported that an objection letter has been sent on behalf of the Community Council.

Oban Drive

KE/LE circulated a letter that their friend (a senior planning officer) had written. After discussion, it was agreed to add in a point on access, specifically in relation to the danger to nursery children and traffic congestion.

Action: KE/LE to email amended letter for approval, then PB will submit it on behalf of the Community Council.

Information – website

DB asked for suggestions and information that can be added to the website. The following suggestions were made: add on local community councils; West End Festival; River Watch etc.

DG suggested adding on cultural highlights, MA said that this information was on the old website. ED suggested adding a send it to a friend button, DB was not sure that this was possible, but would look into it.

Action: DB to update website with new content.

Communications and correspondence

PB reported that he had received notice of a requested from Queens Cross Housing Association for an entertainment licence.

Action: PB to respond that the Community Council has no objection to this request.


KE reported they had filled in the wrong form, in relation to bank signatories, so PB and MA have to sign a new form. KE said he needs to have the names of the previous signatories for the form.

Action: DG to ask Robina who the previous signatories were and phone MA with the names, or get Robina to contact MA directly.

MA reported that Culture and Sport Glasgow will be doing a presentation at the next meeting, on the development of the North Kelvinside football pitches.

Next meeting – Wednesday 19 March @ 6.30pm, Queens Cross Community Room


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