Minutes – 16 April 2008

North Kelvin Community Council

Wednesday 16 April 2008 at 6.30pm

Queens Cross Community Room

Present: Mark Adams (MA) (Chair); Janet Andrews (JA); Dave Beavan (DB) (Website & Library); Peter Blackshaw (PB) (Secretary); Susie Hallas (SH); Councillor Jim MacKechnie (JM); Councillor Kieran Wild (KW); Kirsty Davidson (KD) (Minute Secretary)

In Attendance: Eamonn Campbell (EC) from Glasgow City Council (GCC), Development and Regeneration Services; Alan Sinclair (AS)

Apologies: PC Paul Anderson (PA); Eddie Devlin (ED); Colin Dobbie (CD); PC Martin McInnes (MMcI)


MA welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked the visitors to introduce themselves.

AS said that he had looked at our website and came along to find out what was going on in the local community, especially in relation to the Clouston Street development.

EC said that he was attending the meeting to discuss the submissions for the development of the Clouston Street site. JM said that he had been involved with the Compendium Trust in relation to the development of the site for the last eight years and would be attending tomorrow’s meeting between the trust and GCC to discuss the submissions. As a result, he was not prepared to comment on the submissions during this meeting. JM will report back at the next Community Council meeting about any outcomes from the meeting between the trust and GCC.

Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved by MA and seconded by PB.

There were no matters arising.

Police Report

The police were not in attendance, so no report was given.

PB said that over the previous weekend windscreen wipers were ripped off cars parked on Oban Drive. MA reminded us that the police would like all crime reported officially.

Short Presentation on QMD Pitches

MA reported that the model promised at the previous meeting was not ready, so there was no further update.

Presentation on Marketing of Clouston Street site

EC reported that GCC had selected four submissions for development of the Clouston Street site, after 17 bids were initially received. GCC issued a detailed brief that applicants had to adhere to: including integrating public green space and housing, sympathy to existing architecture and a limit to the quantity of housing.

The four selected bids were:

  • New City Vision (developer), Robert Adam (architect)
  • AS Homes (developer)
  • Robertson Homes (developer), Holmes (architect)
  • Forge Properties (developer), 3DReid (architect)

Each bid interpreted the GCC brief differently resulting in four very different submissions. Although all bids are based on 115 units with 60-70% being flats and 40-30% being houses and a 1:1 parking ratio.

EC said that assessment will primarily be based on the detailed brief that GCC produced. There will be a public consultation, where the local community will be given the opportunity to comment on the submissions.

EC announced a public exhibition of the submissions on Monday 21 April from 2-8pm at the Scout Hall on Kelbourne Street.

Action: DB to put exhibition details on the website.

MA said that we will discuss our opinions of the submissions at the next meeting and then submit our collective view.

Councillors’ Report

Parking restrictions

JM showed the meeting a map of the proposed area for the parking restrictions, which were discussed at the previous meeting. He confirmed that letters to residents will be going out on 23 April. JM encouraged residents to respond positively to the consultation.

Oban Drive

JM reported that GCC have received 26 objections to the proposed development on the old school site.

Wilton Street

JM said that there were no further developments to report.

KW reported that he had contacted Steven Scott (SS) at GCC about the bin men not locking close doors after collections on Oban Drive. PB informed KW that this was still a problem.

Action: KW will contact SS again.

Treasurer’s Report

MA informed the meeting that the Community Council accounts had been submitted on time.

Information – website

DB said that he had added links to neighbouring community councils and other local organisations to the website, as discussed at February’s meeting. DB requested that people contact him if they have any further suggestions.

DB reported that the website was getting about 400 hits a month.

JA said that she had some local stories and postcards that could go up on the website.

Action: JA to pass this information to DB.

Communications and correspondence

PB reported that he had received a notice requesting a licence renewal for a Victoria Wine shop.

Action: PB to respond that the Community Council has no objection to this request.

PB said that he had also received an invite for two members of the Community Council to attend a civic reception for community councils on Monday 2 June. It was agreed that PB and MA will attend on behalf of NKCC.

MA reported that he had been contacted by Strathclyde Fire and Rescue about dangerous parking in Wilton Street. Strathclyde Fire and Rescue and Strathclyde Police are to embark on a crackdown on inappropriate parking in the area.

JA reported that she had made changes to the letter about traffic movements on Maryhill Road after discussions at the previous meeting. MA said that he was happy for this to be sent on behalf of NKCC.

Action: JA to email the letter to PB, so that he can send it in his capacity as Secretary.


There was no AOCB.

Next meeting – Wednesday 21 May @ 6.30pm, Queens Cross Community Room


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