Minutes – 18 November 2009

North Kelvin Community Council Minutes
Wednesday 18 November 2009 at 6.30pm
St. Charles School

Present: Dave Beavan (DB) (Chair); Ken Andrew (KA) (Vice-Chair); Gordon Barnes (GB) (Website & Library); Peter Blackshaw (PB) (Secretary); Karen Chung (KC); Kevin Edgar (KE); Councillor Jim MacKechnie (JMacK); Jane Morgan (JM) (Planning Officer); Douglas Peacock (DP); Kate Wooding (KW) (Treasurer); Kirsty Davidson (KD) (Minute Secretary)

In attendance: Moira Christie (MC); Dorothy Gow (DG); Ian Law (IL) (Community Councils’ Resource Centre); Martin Venherm (MV)

Apologies: Janet Andrews (JA); Liz Edgar (LE); Susie Hallas (SH)

1.     Welcome

DB thanked everyone for attending the first meeting of the new session and introduced IL from the Community Councils’ Resource Centre.

2.     Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising

The minutes of the September meeting were approved by KE and seconded by DB.
DB apologised for the draft minutes not being up on the website prior to the meeting. Although they were circulated by email.

3.     Police Report

DB said he would contact the police with the dates for future meetings, as it is useful having them at meetings, to keep us up to date with what is going on in the area.
Action: DB to contact PC Gerard Christie.

4.     Community Councils’ Resource Centre

MV confirmed he was interested in becoming a member of the Community Council, but was unsure of his eligibility. IL said there was no problem, he would just need to prove his residency. IL said he would send MV the relevant paperwork and inform PB when MV is approved and then he can be ratified as a member at the next Community Council meeting.

DB explained IL was here to assist with the election of members to the Area Committee and the Community Reference Group. IL explained there is a budget of £82k for the canal area and the distribution of grants is completely controlled by the Area Committee. IL explained the Community Reference Group covers a larger area and looks at wider issues.

KW proposed KC as the Community Council representative on the Area Committee this was seconded by KA. It was agreed JM would be the substitute representative, this was proposed by KW and seconded by KA.

KA proposed DP as the Community Council representative on the Community Reference Group, this was seconded by KW.

5.     Councillor’s Report

JMacK explained there are traffic problems on Kelvinside Gardens and a one-way system has been drawn up with three possible options and he wants the Community Council’s view. There will also be consultation with St. Charles School and the Parents Council at the school. If there is significant support for the scheme then it will be implemented over a nine-month period, if there are no obstacles.

There was a discussion about the pros and cons of each option. JM said cars currently speed along Kelvinside Gardens, and a one-way system may encourage even more excessive speed. JMacK said as part of the implementation of a one-way system speed calming measures would be looked into.

After much discussion, the Community Council unanimously asked for the promotion of alternatives to driving to school in the first place. If the wider community supports a one-way system, then the Community Council would prefer options 2 or 3. JM said if option 2 is selected then parking at the bottom of Wilton Street needs to be reviewed, she suggested double yellow lines on at least one side.

JMacK confirmed missives have been exchanged for the Clouston Street site and work must commence within a two-year period, subject to planning consent. JMacK said New City Vision propose to carry out a site investigation within the next few weeks and then submit detailed plans.

JMacK reported the Head of Property Development and Management, Development and Regeneration Services has a meeting tomorrow with the part owner of the gap site on Wilton Street and wants to raise a number of issues. JMacK said the Council were prepared to buy the site for a reasonable price.

JMacK informed everyone there were currently problems with refuse collection, as refuse staff are working to contract, so not as many bins are being emptied per day as usually expected. The Council is getting staff to uplift at weekends and getting contractors in, but they are about four days behind. JMacK said bulk refuse should not be put out until the matter is resolved.

PB reported the blue bins in his close have not been emptied for three weeks. JMacK explained these were lower priority, but said if things were particularly bad to give him the address and he would try and get things sorted on an ad hoc basis.

6.     Treasurer’s Report

KW said she was still not a signatory on the account and thus not getting statements, but believes the account is still as was last reported, £921.62. KW said she has a form that needs to be completed by current signatories to give her access. DB said there was no meeting in December, but there would be a Christmas social in the Crosslands pub, so this could be sorted out then.

7.     Information – website

GB circulated information comparing the current website with the Council’s portal system. DB apologised for the meeting running over and that there was no time for a proper discussion on this issue. DB suggested everyone review GB’s information and that there could be an informal discussion at December’s social.

8.     Communications and correspondence

PB said Land and Environmental Services want to introduce a four-day on four-day off work pattern and want to know whether people are happy with weekend and evening refuse uplifts. The Community Council said yes and PB agreed to reply with the decision.

Action: PB to respond to Land and Environmental Services on behalf of the Community Council.

9.     AOCB

JM reported she had received three planning applications, but there was nothing of interest. DB asked PB to add Planning to the agenda as a regular item.

Action: PB to add Planning to future agendas.

DB asked everyone to consider their views on the direction of the Community Council e.g. best use of the website, how to spend the grant money etc.

Next meeting: 20 January 2010 @ 6.30pm, St. Charles School


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