Doune Gardens planning application
A planning application has been submitted for a house to be built on the “pleasure ground” green space at the corner of Doune Gardens and Belmont Street. NKCC are opposed to the application and have sent a letter of objection to the City Council.
If you would like to make an objection also, feel free to download our Letter of Objection to give you some ideas about what you could say. There’s also lots of information on the Save Belmont St/ Doune Gardens Pleasure Grounds facebook page.
Please note objections must be in by 13 February 2015!
Glasgow City Council should be striving to retain the character of the area not seeking to diminish and destroy its attractiveness. Nor the appeal and importance of the cities green spaces to the well being of local residents.
This proposal does not seem to fit at all with their policy to respect the historic character of this area; to retain open spaces and trees.
Thanks – we agree. The clue is in the term “conservation area”!