Curves planning application: comment by Tuesday 30 October
At our meeting on 2 October 2018 we had a detailed discussion with people from our community directly impacted by the new plans for the old Curves building at 127 Fergus Drive. We voted unanimously to object to this application.
If you also wish to submit a comment on the proposal, please note the CLOSING DATE IS 30 OCTOBER 2018.
Full details are on Glasgow City Council website: application summary 18/02622/FUL.
Submit your comment to arrive by Tuesday 30 October, quoting Ref No 18/02622/FUL:
- by email:
- by post:
Director of Development Management
Development and Regeneration Services
Glasgow City Council
229 George Street
Glasgow G1 1QU
We are grateful to the MuchTooBig group for supplying a proforma to help those who wish to submit objections. Please note that for your objection to be sure to count you must fill in the final section in your own words.
Download the proforma:
You may wish to consider our grounds for objection, which include:
- The application is in the Glasgow West Conservation Area and protection of such areas requires developers to ensure that their proposals preserve or enhance the character of the area as a whole, including the nearby Listed Buildings. We feel the proposed development fails this test: (i) the development will impact on the green, leafy, pleasant, open environment and character to of the this corner of the community – a gateway to North Kelvin; (ii) the historic and current buildings on this site are the appropriate height and size for this site, which overlooks the villas on Wilton Street. This proposal is much too big – both in height and area dimensions. It will detrimentally alter the appearance and character of the area and community.
- The proposal will have six stories – substantially higher and dominant over the Wilton Street villas, and out of step with the tenement appearance of three story tenements on Fergus drive. The height will impact on considerable loss of daylight on neighbouring properties, and will also lead to loss of privacy with substantial overlooking of neighbouring properties. The design – with multiple (42) balconies, penthouse glass boxes, and windows (100) – adds to the overlooking dominant feel of the property. The development has also maximised the area dimensions of the property – it is not set back from the pavement, will require removal of beautiful old trees with no garden provision, and seems to be built very close to adjacent properties (we understand it is within 16m of the Wilton Street villas).
- We are not convinced by the design and nature of the parking provision in the property. The small ground-floor parking spaces will be difficult to navigate, and three bedroom high-end properties may have more than one car. Additional cars are therefore likely and will further pressure the overloaded uncontrolled parking zone in the area further disadvantaging local residents.
- The property is situated on a busy junction of the community and within a one way system. The cars in the new property and the one-way route on Fergus Drive will also add to traffic congestion in the area – with rush-hour gridlocks already commonplace as the roads are access to many homes and to St Charles Primary School and Learning & Communication Resource.
- We are concerned about the loss of a community asset or potential community asset, which we believe would be detrimental to our community, and goes against the council’s sustainability policy. The property has previously been a gym and been used by various community groups and organisations. Its refurbishment and reuse has not been fully explored. And the developers have not shown any willingness to discuss plans for the site nor consult with the local community. The proposal has no community enhancement nor provides any social housing provision.
- We feel that subsequent developments would make the site worse and would fail to comply with the City Development Plan Policy CDP1 and IPG1 (The Placemaking Principle), Policy CDP9 and SG9 (Historic Environment), and Policy CDP 7 and SG7 (Natural Environment).
Remember, submit your comments by Tuesday 30 October 2018.
Pingback: Our view post-Curves: planning policy in Glasgow needs reform – North Kelvin Community Council