127 Fergus Drive: demolition appeal allowed under conditions

The appeal to the Scottish Government by Rossweir Limited against the decision by Glasgow City Council to refuse demolition of the old Curves building has been allowed, subject to certain conditions.

These are:

  1. No demolition of the building shall take place until contracts have been placed for the redevelopment of the site in accordance with a current planning permission. Written evidence shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority before any demolition takes place.
    Reason: In the interest of preserving the character and appearance of the Glasgow West Conservation Area.

    2. Before any work on the site is begun, a detailed plan showing the location of all trees on the site and the location and details of a method of tree protection to comply with BS 5837:2012 ‘Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations’ shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. The approved protection shall be in place prior to the commencement of any work on the site and shall be retained in place until completion of the demolition works.
    Reason: To avoid damage to the retained trees in order to maintain their contribution to landscape quality, biodiversity and character and appearance of the Glasgow West Conservation Area.

    3. No machinery shall be operated, no process carried out and no deliveries shall be received or despatched from the site between the hours of 0800 and 1900, Monday to Friday inclusive, 0800 and 1300 on Saturdays and any time on Sundays or public holidays without the prior, written consent of the planning authority.
    Reason: To safeguard residential amenity.

Also, this conservation area consent will last only for three years from the date of the decision (11 October 2019).

Our view is that this seems a reasonable outcome. Our position is not that we are opposed to any development of the site, but that any proposed development should have the support of the community.

  • Conservation area consent appeal reference: CAC-260-2002.
  • Site address: 127 Fergus Drive, Glasgow, G20 6BY.
  • Documents relating to the appeal: download from the Scottish Government website.

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