February 2020 meeting

Our February meeting will be held at 6.30pm on Tuesday 4th at:

Trossachs Room
Community Central Hall
292–316 Maryhill Rd
G20 7YE

It is on the ground floor and wheelchair-accessible. However, there are a number of swing doors, so if you expect to need any assistance please get in touch with us beforehand. In any case, as it’s a new location we will be looking out for attendees so we can guide you to the room.

All welcome!


As well as the usual business we will be having presentations on the gap site at the corner of Kelbourne Street/Queen Margaret Drive and on the back lanes (items 7 & 8).

  1. Approval of the Minutes of Last Meeting
  2. Police Report
  3. Councillors’ Reports
  4. Planning Officer’s Report
  5. Licensing
  6. Area Partnership Report
  7. Presentation by Claire Mcginley (Architect) – Kelbourne St Plans
  8. Back Lane Strategy Consultation – Karen Venables
  9. Venue for Future Meetings of NKCC
  10. Community Clean-Up – Date, Location
  11. Communications Report
  12. Correspondence
  13. AOB
  14. Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday 3 March 2020




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