Online meeting Tuesday 7th April 2020

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 7th April, at the usual time, 6.30pm. Because of the current restrictions on meeting in person, we will be hosting an online meeting. It will be more informal than our official meetings and we are unable to confirm attendance of councillors/police at the moment, but we welcome members of the community to join us.

If you would like to “attend” the meeting, please email us and we will send you the details you need.

For more local information on COVID-19 see our coronavirus and volunteering pages.

This is our first shot at a public online meeting, so please bear with us if there are any technical hitches.

Edited 8/4/20 to add: the meeting passed off reasonably well. We were pleased to be joined by some members of the community and by Councillors Ken Andrew, Jane Morgan and Martha Wardrop. The meeting was informal and not minuted, and mainly consisted of discussion of how the community is being affected by the coronavirus epidemic and what we can do to help. We will update our website with further sources of help soon.


In addition to the items below we may have input from councillors/police, but this has not been confirmed.

  1. COVID-19 – update on volunteering
  2. Bins – change in Council policy due to COVID-19
  3. Food banks
  4. Mental health during isolation (tbc)
  5. Round the table – any issues we can address / should be raised
  6. Regularity of NKCC online meetings



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