Fergus Drive development temporary parking restrictions

To accommodate safe working on the site development on Fergus Drive, parking restrictions are being introduced temporarily from 00:01 hours on Tuesday 13 October 2020 to 23:59 hours Monday 31 January 2022 inclusive (Glasgow City Council (Glasgow), (Fergus Drive, Wilton Street & Kelvinside Gardens East), (Temporary Traffic Regulation) Order 2020).

Roads affected are:

FERGUS DRIVE (from Queen Margaret Drive to Queen Margaret Court, both sides of the carriageway): from 09:00 hours to 15:30 Hours, Monday to Friday only, No Waiting and Loading – unlawful for any person to park on this section of road with any motor vehicle.

WILTON STREET (from Queen Margaret Drive to number 301 Wilton Street, both sides of the carriageway) and KELVINSIDE GARDENS EAST (from the junction with Kelvinside Gardens 10m either side or thereby, both sides of the carriageway, and from the junction with Fergus Drive 10m either side or thereby, both sides of the carriageway): No Waiting and Loading – unlawful for any person to park on this section of road with any motor vehicle.

Update 19 November 2020

The No Waiting No Loading restrictions on Fergus Drive, between Queen Margaret Drive and Queen Margaret Court, will now only apply between 09:00 and 15:30 after discussions between Westpoint Homes and the local school.

After investigation, the welfare facilities are to be situated on Wilton Street as before. However, Westpoint Homes have been instructed that the temporary traffic lights to be used at this location have to be manned between 07:00 and 19:00 Monday to Friday to manage traffic flow.

Council officers will continue to inspect the location to ensure the restrictions are being followed.

Download a PDF map of the restrictions



  • Hamish Harrower

    How can the safety of the construction workers be compromised by parked cars on Fergus Drive?

  • Alison McDonald

    The parking restrictions coming into force from 13 October in Fergus Drive and several other streets near the building site at the bottom of Fergus Drive highlight the inconvenience that is already affecting people who live locally .Many of those who will now be inconvenienced objected to this new building in the first place due to the blight it will be in what is a conservation area and the added traffic problems that it will cause and is already causing with the daily procession of large trucks etc. coming up Oban Drive and round into Fergus Drive,sadly the objections of the people who will be affected were totally ignored at the time .The building is not even built and already it is affecting the quality of life of those who live nearby.

  • Morag Fergusson

    Will the parking restrictions include the cars of the construction workers? It’s usually their cars and personal vans that use the coned off area currently.

  • NKCC Admin

    Thanks for your question – we believe workers shouldn’t be parking in the restricted area. We are waiting for council response on whether traffic wardens can monitor this.

  • NKCC Admin

    We are informed that all vehicles must abide by the parking restrictions imposed during the times notified on the Order. This includes the vehicles of the construction/site workers. The Council parking enforcement team has been informed.

    If you notice the restrictions are being abused, please let us know here or via NKcommunitycouncillors@gmail.com.

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