GlasGlow during COVID-19

There has been some concern voiced about why GlasGLOW was allowed to go ahead this year when tighter restrictions are in place in areas where the Covid infection rate is highest. A member of our local community wrote to the Scottish government to ask why.

This was the response on behalf of the government (6 November 2020):

Illuminated trails, such as GlasGLOW are permitted to take place as visitor attractions, all of which are, of course, subject to strict hygiene measures and physical distancing.

In practice, it is deemed to be easier to marshal and control the behaviour of visitors following a marked, and usually cordoned, illuminated trail than when visitors are often free to range unrestricted around the same venue in daylight. There are measures that organisers can put in place to mitigate risk, for example pre-booked time slots, collecting contact information, limiting numbers in each ‘pulse’ of visitors, avoiding pinch-points, and marshalling. The six people and two households rule indoors outdoors will also continue to apply. The organisers must also comply with all health and safety requirements and carry out related risk assessments. Health Protection Scotland (HPS) have provided Covid-19 Guidance for non healthcare settings.

The organisers of GlasGLOW will have satisfied the local authority that their illuminated trail can take place in compliance with all the Covid-related requirements and the attraction has therefore been permitted to open from 29 October.

While the Scottish Government is not fully sighted on the details of the organisers’ plans for GlasGLOW, from the information that you have shared with us, if the organisers adhere to the guidance on hygiene, catering and physical distancing, there does not appear to be a strong reason why this attraction should not be able to open as planned.

The use of public transport is discouraged and I would accept that the organisers’ promotion of this is inappropriate but there are other travel options available that would enable members of the public to attend. You will be aware that the First Minister recently announced a new Strategic Framework approach which provides guidance on transport, I have provided a link to the relevant guidance:

We understand your concerns, which have been noted, but please be assured that the Government’s overriding priority is public safety and continuing to suppress the virus. Where evidence emerges that causes any concern the Government will act quickly.



  • Judith Gaertner

    What about crowding of visitors in the surrounding areas?

    And visitors are coming from other local authorities.
    I have plenty of prove.

    The whole thing gives people the message that it’s ok to meet up after all. That is the wrong message and the decision to Go ahead was wrong.

    Enchanted forest in Pitlochry was cancelled this year. What is the difference? Glasgow has a much higher number of infection. This does not make any sense. Very disappointed, have no more words.

  • John hancox

    I noted that Stirling’s Council leader made this comment. Does anyone even know who is Glasgows Council leader? It is obvious that Glasgow Council have been supporting GlasGLOW – which they make money from. Certainly no leadership from our council leaders trying to protect our health.

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