Restricted Parking Zone is coming in the autumn

[Page updated June 2022] The delayed North Kelvin and North Woodside Restricted Parking Zone is due to come into operation on 8 August 2022: see our Parking page for details.

Plans showing the proposed parking bays, including disabled bays, electric vehicle charging bays and car club bays, are on the City Council website.

two cars parked unsafely on cornersWe hope the RPZ will put an end to the unsafe and antisocial parking – on corners and on pavements, blocking pedestrians, wheelchair users and pram users, endangering all road users at junctions, hampering emergency vehicles – that has dogged this area for years now.

Q & A

A number of questions were raised about the parking scheme at our August 2021 meeting. Cllr Andrew put these to the City Council department concerned and received answers as follows.

  1. Are there special arrangements for doctors on call, care staff and so on?
    There is an existing medical permit scheme which is administered by the NHS for doctors and nurses who they consider require the permits. Other carers would pay and display or use RingGo as they do throughout the city.
  2. Will the RPZ be reviewed after its implementation and if so when?
    The Restricted Parking Zone will be reviewed after a minimum 12 months has passed to look into the possibility of any changes.
  3. There is no gulley on South Kelvinside Terrace and it was suggested by moving parking to the footway side this could exacerbate flooding problems; has this been considered?
    Vehicles parked on the opposite side of the road should have no bearing on flooding.
  4. The one way system at the triangle on Wilton St will necessitate a very tight right turn on the very steep hill; has there been any thought to installation of a high friction road surface to mitigate problems of vehicles losing traction particularly during the winter?
    Road Safety Team will be consulted.
  5. After 1 November will it be possible to introduce extra bays should that be necessary, as several areas have been identified as capable of taking more bays?
    Once the Restricted Parking Zone road markings have been installed there will be no further parking bays installed.
  6. Will the gulleys be jetted when the bays are being marked out using this opportunity?
    During the road closures the gullies in the streets will be cleaned out.
  7. Is there a route for constituents to halt this project at this late stage? Would they need to go to the Court of Session?
    The opportunity to apply to the Court of Session ended on Thursday 22nd July after a 6 week period.


  • Khurram

    8am to 10pm. Complete and utter joke.
    Good luck to wardens walking around at 10pm

  • Rhona

    The hours of the parking restrictions are far to draconian, seven days a week!!!
    I believe we have to go along with these hours selected by non-residents, without much consultation with locals, 90% of my street had no idea this was happening!!!
    However we have been told all will be reviewed after a minimum of 12months!
    How can residents be sure that we are part of the review process and make sure we are heard?

  • NKCC Admin

    Hi Rhona, thanks for your message. If you follow our website you can be sure you’ll be kept up to date with any review process. You can subscribe to blog updates via the sidebar on this page or sign up for our newsletter, or follow us on Facebook NorthKelvinCommunityCouncil. You can also attend any of our monthly meetings.

  • Jayemay

    On checking the final plans I noted that a disabled bay I applied for and was painted in the past year is not shown. I need to know if it will be kept or will another application have to be made. Three emails to the council have gone unanswered. Do you have a name/contact I might get an answer from?

  • Lisa Barnwell

    Ensure you live in nkcc very restricted area as they are not welcoming to people who are not in their area even if these issues effect them

  • NKCC Admin

    The email address for the RPZ is If you have had no luck with that it might be worth contacting a City Councillor. Links to contact details are at the bottom of this page:

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