Scottish Water update on the River Kelvin project

We received the following Scottish Water update (21 October 2022):

While the bulk of the construction works have been completed at nine locations along the River Kelvin, some works have yet to be completed.

Garriochmill Road
Power was recently installed at one of our kiosks on the River Kelvin Walkway near to Garriochmill Road and the Friends of River Kelvin premises. The mechanical screens on the combined sewer overflow (CSO) pipes are fully automated and help prevent objects like rags, baby wipes, large plastic cotton buds, etc., overflowing into the River Kelvin during storm events.

Old North Woodside Flintmill
The upgraded CSO near to the Old North Woodside Flintmill (off Belmont Street/Garriochmill Road) has been commissioned and is fully automated. A section of fencing remains in place at this location to help protect the area until the grass has taken – this could run into next year. We are fully aware that the kiosk and the outflow at this location have, sadly, been graffitied. This is extremely disappointing and we’d like to reassure everyone that steps are being taken to address the matter.

Kelvindale Road/Balfour Street
Landscaping works near to the junction of Kelvindale Road and Balfour Street have recently been completed. Again, fencing will remain in place to protect the area until the grass has grown.

Glasgow Botanic Gardens/Garrioch Drive
Additional works are required to address slope stability issues where a new CSO was constructed in the Botanic Gardens, near to the junction of Garrioch Drive.  Planning permission is currently being progressed. The additional works will not take place until around January of next year. Having listened to community concerns of anti-social behaviour involving quad bikes, and while anti-social behaviour is a police matter, we are looking at the possibility of installing temporary gates here. We are arranging for the original gates to be uplifted for refurbishment; however, they will not be re-hung until the additional retaining wall works are completed in early 2023.

Otago St / Westbank Quadrant
Due to unforeseen circumstances, works at this location have been delayed. Additional site investigation works are required to allow the design for the CSO to be finalised. Road traffic management which is likely to involve a road closure at the junction of Otago Street and Gibson Street is being planned with Glasgow City Council to enable those works. Once they have been carried out, the design will be finalised and we will work with the council and local communities to plan in the Council to enable those works. Once they have been carried out, the design will be finalised and we will work with the council and local communities to plan in the main works to complete the project in 2023. As always, we will do all we can to help keep any disruption to a minimum.


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