January 2023 meeting

Happy new year!

We wish everyone in North Kelvin a happy, healthy and prosperous 2023.

Our first meeting of the year will be on Tuesday 10th January at 6:30pm, downstairs at Kelvinbridge Parish Church, 62 Belmont Street, G20 6JR (a week later than usual because of the holiday).

Residents are welcome to attend. There is a stairlift if required for access: please let us know in advance if you will need to use it so that we can make sure help is available.

We expect to have representatives from GCC Parking Services in attendance for discussion of snagging issues related to the implementation of the RPZ.

January agenda

  1. Minute secretary
  2. Approval of the minutes of last meeting
  3. Follow-up on actions from previous meeting
  4. Police report
  5. Councillors’ reports
  6. RPZ snagging
  7. Rat infestation in Lyndhurst Gdns Lane
  8. Planning officer’s report
  9. House of Multiple Occupancy (HMO) licensing report
  10. Communications report
  11. Any other business

Meeting dates in 2023

For the rest of the year, meetings are expected to be held on the first Tuesday as follows:

  • 7 February
  • 7 March
  • 4 April
  • 2 May
  • 6 June
  • 1 August
  • 5 September
  • 3 October (AGM)
  • 7 November

No meetings are scheduled for July or December.



  • George Dyer-Wilson

    Would it be possible to add the degradation of Queen Margaret Road (closed) as an agenda item?

    I have contact details for GCC roads dept and would be happy to extend an invitation to them.

    With help from Ken Andrew, we successfully managed to have them temporarily fix a significant safety issue on the road above (Kelvinside Terrace South – where I live) and I am aware of the level of work which may be required.

  • NKCC Admin

    Sorry about the delayed response & thanks for your message. Unless Tuesday’s agenda is revised we will probably discuss QMR either during Cllr Andrew’s report (item 5) or under AOB at the end. (There was some discussion at the November meeting though minutes are not yet confirmed.)

  • A

    I was illegally fined for parking at the zone that l have parking permit for since the parking enforcement was applied since last August 2022. With the prediction that l didn’t park within bay , when l actually parked at the my permitted zone but at unmarked and no signs end road, which was at the back of my garden where l have been parking for the past 12 years. Further my investigation, l realised that the parking attendants laid on the road l was parked at and noted on the ticket that l was parked at xxxx when the ticket was stuck on my car windscreen at xxxx. I wrote to GCC to clarify the road mistake an even l presented evidence. But the review was rejected and the fine was not cancelled. So, now l was left without any other option but to call for justice and take the case to the court. Unfortunately, l lost faith in GCC parking unit. My area has been always very quiet, there are always parking availability at any time. Not sure why the restrictions were applied at it. GCC poor council, it’s trying to collect some pounds from residents for parking near their homes. It’s frustrating and upsetting experience that you have to stand up for justice.

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