CityFibre works

We have received complaints from residents about the poor standard of works being carried out by CityFibre.

These have included:

  • delays in removing rubble
  • pavements being blocked, forcing pedestrians to walk on the road or cross at dangerous places
  • pavements having no temporary ramp for wheelchairs or prams
  • lack of advance notice about when work would be taking place
  • detritus being swept into drains, thus contributing to flooding in the area
  • digging work making buildings shudder
  • poor communication
  • poor standard of reinstatement work.

The company declined our invitation to attend our February meeting. It is hoped the work will be finished by March.

Do you have a complaint?

CityFibre told us they encouraged residents with issues to speak to the contractors on site or use their helpline or their website, details of which they say are “prominently displayed” on their barriers.🤔 The helpline is 0800 083 6160 and there is an online form for enquiries/complaints.

City Fibre barrier notice, reading: Ultrafast broadband network. See how to upgrade with your current broadband provider or switch at CityFibre.

We intend to compile a list of complaints so that we can assess how to take this further.

If you are unhappy with CityFibre’s work, please email us your complaint ( or comment below.



  • Alison Gifford

    Re city fibre installations in Fergus Drive.
    1. when the work is actually being done, it hasn’t been too bad, once started, that bit is completed and rubble etc. cleared away, however
    2. Barriers and materials dumped on the pavement for anything up to 2 weeks and more before anything is even started, and left around after that work has been completed. Materials are not stacked compactly but spread over several parking spaces and on the pavement, so since they are working simultaneously at different sites in the same street, there is severe impact on parking, with no alternatives now that RPZs are in place.
    3. We are now at the second round of digging up the pavement and when trying to get information from the workmen ‘a wave of the hands and ‘no speak English’. It sounds accented, but of course I don’t know whether or not it’s genuine. we have never had any notice of the work starting, what it is, when they would reach our close, when they would finish, etc. etc..

  • NKCC Admin

    Thanks for commenting Alison

  • Sandra Huettenbuegel

    Thanks for following up on this! Almost all of the above happened on Wilton St as well.

    delays in removing rubble
    pavements being blocked, forcing pedestrians to walk on the road or cross at dangerous places
    pavements having no temporary ramp for wheelchairs or prams
    detritus being swept into drains, thus contributing to flooding in the area
    poor standard of reinstatement work.

  • NKCC Admin

    Thanks also Sandra

  • Megan McC

    On day 1 of the work on my street, they left a circular saw blade sitting outside of my front door on the pavement. I phoned the helpline and the person I spoke to was horrified. They took the details and assured me it would be marked as urgent. The blade was never lifted by Cityfibre and two weeks after my original call, I received a confirmation email about my call.
    I have since moved house and to add a word of mouth story, the engineer who installed my (not Cityfibre) broadband said they’re having a terrible time as their cables are being cut all over the city.

  • NKCC Admin

    Wow Megan, that’s shocking! Thanks for letting us know

  • John Wilson

    Is the Ultra Fast broadband work in preparation for the “15 minute city ” that’s due to happen in other parts of the uk.

  • NKCC Admin

    We are unaware of any connection between the broadband work and local access to services etc.

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