Update on Lyndhurst Gardens Lane

Around the start of December 2022 residents in the 5 tenemental blocks that back onto Lyndhurst Garden Lane were advised that bin collection via the bin shelters on the lane was being suspended due to significant problems with rat infestation.

It is understood that the problem has been ongoing for over a year and that one of the sources of the rats’ nests might be under St Charles Church and possibly in St Charles School bin shelter. As a temporary measure, bins for general waste and recycling were placed on street.

Councillor Martha Wardrop (Hillhead) has been meeting with representatives of residents associations in the blocks affected to understand the issues and seek effective solutions.

On 26th January 2023 resident representatives met with Councillor Wardrop and Glasgow City Council staff from Cleansing, Pest Control, the Neighbourhood Liaison team and Public Health. A walk through the lane was conducted.

The main outcomes were:

  • Cleansing were very clear that bins on the street are only temporary and want to resume service from the backcourt as soon as practicable.
  • Rat activity seems to be declining. Drain holes on the wall at St Charles have been blocked with rat mesh to restrict access. Pest Control will continue to monitor this.
  • Residents were reminded that they are responsible for the condition of the bin shelters and ensuring that rubbish is put properly in bins.

Unfortunately some bins still appeared to be being used by residents. Cleansing asked if residents could ensure that waste is collected from the floor of bin shelters and put in bins; they will then empty the bins.

If rat activity continues to decline it is hoped that the bin shelters in the lane can be brought back into use in the near future.

The area of lane between Dryburgh Gardens and Melrose Gardens has been resurfaced thanks to funding from the Council’s Back Lane Improvement Fund. There may be funding available in the future that residents groups could access to improve other parts of the lane.

This is on the agenda for the next Community Council meeting (Tuesday 7 February) and Council staff from the Neighbourhood Liaison team will be at the meeting.



  • James bullen

    I am a resident of dryburgh gardens, people have been putting down rat poison without the required safeguards in place and as such my 1 year old cat was poisoned and killed.
    It is a disgrace that this situation was allowed to happen and that people have acted dangerously to resolve it. It has left us heart broken to lose a member of our family and we have no way of knowing who did this.

  • NKCC Admin

    Very sorry to hear that James. It shows just how dangerous it is for poison to be used so carelessly. It must have been devastating for your family.

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