Clean-ups and community well-being
For many years, North Kelvin Community Council has undertaken regular litter picks and vegetation management in different parts of our area.
Lots of local residents have taken part in these events. See our clean-up page for more info and pictures of the community in action.
Together we have made a significant difference to the tidiness of the area – but it is a never-ending task.
Better environment, better well-being
In its protection plan for the period to 2025, Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board there is the following aim:
To minimise the risk of exposure to environmental incivilities such as dog fouling, litter, illicit tipping, graffiti – there being a growing body of evidence that links stress to aspects of mental health and wellbeing, but also to physical disease-psychosocial dimension.
We agree with that aim and by undertaking local voluntary action we are helping to fulfil it.
Blue-space thinking
More positively, Glasgow Caledonian University has been studying the impact on community health of what they call ‘blue spaces’. By that they mean areas like the Forth and Clyde Canal and the River Kelvin. Their findings indicate that people who live within 500 metres of such spaces have several significant gains in physical and mental health.
Since all of us live in such a space, we gain these benefits.
Doing our bit
So, keeping that space tidy by undertaking community clean-ups we are making a positive contribution to the health and well-being of our community.
Other groups like Friends of the River Kelvin, North Kelvin Meadow and the Children’s Wood, and the Friends of the Claypits make valuable contributions, too.
Please give some time to help – and get to know your neighbours!

Meet Charlie, one of our most public-spirited residents, who picks up other people’s litter on his walks
Next clean-up
Keep an eye on this website for details. Join our mailing list to make sure you don’t miss anything.
And, like Charlie, please join in if you can!