Licensing Board consultation

Do you have concerns about the availability of alcohol in Glasgow? The City Council wants to know your views, so please respond to the surveys on the consultation hub.


The City of Glasgow Licensing Board is responsible for the licensing and regulation of the sale of alcohol in Glasgow. The Licensing Board is required to have a licensing policy statement setting out the ways in which it will exercise its functions under the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 in order to promote each of the five licensing objectives.

The licensing objectives are:

  • Preventing crime and disorder
  • Securing public safety
  • Preventing public nuisance
  • Protecting and improving public health
  • Protecting children and young persons from harm.

The current licensing policy statement was adopted in November 2018 and will continue to apply until a new version is published. The new version of the licensing policy statement must be published no later than 5 November 2023. The current policy statement can be viewed online.


There are two licensing consultations on the Consultation Hub. One relates to the draft Policy Statement and one on the Board’s Overprovision Assessment. The consultations are by way of a survey. There is the option to save your answers and return to each survey at a later time using the “save and continue” button at the bottom of each page.

Take part now by going to the current consultations and paging down to the licensing ones.

Closing date: Wednesday 27 September 2023.

All views and comments provided as part of each consultation will be taken into account by the Licensing Board before the final version of the new Licensing Board Policy Statement is published in November 2023.


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