AGM and October 2023 meeting

Our annual general meeting will take place on Tuesday 3rd October 2023, 6.30pm, at Kelvinbridge Parish Church, Belmont Street, . It will be immediately followed by our usual monthly meeting (probably about 7pm). Agendas are below. All residents are welcome to attend.

AGM agenda

  1. Record members’ attendance and apologies
  2. Approve the minutes from last year’s AGM
  3. Approve Chair’s written annual report
  4. Approve Treasurer’s submission of independently examined statement of accounts
  5. Demit of current office bearers
  6. Call for nominations for the election of office bearers
  7. Note the appointment of an Independent Examiner of accounts for the next year
  8. Note the appointment of any associate members
  9. Review the Inventory and Additional Resources
  10. Chair confirms the date of the next AGM to take place on Tuesday 1st October 2024.

Business meeting agenda

  1. Election of minutes secretary for the meeting
  2. Approval of the minutes of last meeting
  3. Police report
  4. Follow-up on actions from previous meeting
  5. Councillors’ reports
  6. Widening membership of NKCC
  7. Health walks
  8. Communications report
  9. Planning officer’s report
  10. HMO licensing report
  11. Community clean-up – date and location
  12. Any other business

Date of next meeting: Tuesday 7th November 2022.


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