City Development Plan 2: Call for Sites and Ideas

Glasgow City Council are carrying out a Call for Sites and Call for Ideas to inform the contents of City Development Plan 2 (CDP2). The CDP2 Evidence Report should inform your sites and ideas.

Call for Sites

Stakeholders including residents, community groups, landowners, developers and others, are asked to put forward sites you would like to be considered by the planning authority for inclusion in CDP2.

Call for Ideas

The Council would also like to hear your ideas regarding all development and land use related matters affecting Glasgow and in particular your thoughts about planning policies that CDP2 should contain.

Submit your sites and ideas

Sites and ideas should be submitted by 11 November 2024.

Please use the online forms:

See the detailed guidance and for further information please visit

If the online form is not suitable for you, please call the Development Plan Team on 0141 287 2000 to arrange an alternative format.


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