Engagement with our primary schools
From spring 2024 the Community Council has been working with our three primary schools – Dunard, North Kelvinside and St Charles – in activities in the Botanic Gardens. We wanted to get involved in a hands-on way, working directly with our younger community, making use of places in our community and making a positive difference to our environment.
The Botanics has a Children’s Garden area which has been underused in recent years and we wanted to revive it. Activities with the children have included harvesting apples and planting daffodils.
Our walks to and from the Botanics have gone via the Sixty Steps, the Woodside Flint Mill, the Kibble Palace and the Penguins which have taken up residence in the holes in the wall along the Kelvin Walkway. We even had the pleasure of seeing a kingfisher perched on a branch.
We linked up with the Friends of the Botanics, the Botanics staff, the Children’s Wood and the Ranger Service.
We look forward to seeing the bulbs in bloom in 2025!