RPZ limited review

12 February 2025
Road sign showing details of the how to pay for parking
The City Council is conducting a limited review of the Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ) and has asked us to gather residents’ views.

★ Please note: the review will consider things like parking bay position and signage but will NOT consider the hours of operation.

Send your suggested RPZ amendments to NorthKelvinParking@gmail.com by Friday 7 March 2025. To help with sorting out the responses, please indicate clearly the road(s) your suggestions refer to. Thank you for your help.

We will take account of all submissions in the response we are preparing to send to the Council and we will also publish our response here.

Issues raised so far include:

  1. Doune Gardens still does not have the number of parking bays that were outlined in the original plan.
  2. Doune Gardens does not have give-way lines at the junction with Belmont Street.
  3. The parking bays are not consistent in size and the paint on the parking bays is now very worn and needs to be refreshed in many areas.
  4. The parking bays in the south section of Kelvinside Terrace South need to be burnt off now that they are out of use.
  5. There is a pole on the south side of Doune Gardens inside a parking bay which blocks the bay and forces cars to protrude beyond the lines of the bay.
  6. The enforcement of the RPZ is inadequate and the RPZ is unenforceable in Doune Gardens and Striven Gardens every autumn when the leaves fall and cover all of the parking bays.
  7. Yarrow Gardens has become a rat run, especially during school drop-off and pick-up times at Glasgow Academy.
  8. Drivers heading west along Wilton Street drive illegally past the No Entry signs at 122 and 119 Wilton Street. This is likely to lead to a collision at the junction of Yarrow Gardens and Wilton Street.
  9. Mount Street has become a rat run used by drivers as a means of avoiding the traffic lights at the junction of Maryhill Road and Napiershall Street. Drivers travelling along Maryhill Road towards the city centre turn right into Raeberry Street, left into Mount Street, left into North Woodside Road and right into Napiershall Street. In addition to this, drivers who are travelling north up Mount Street regularly ignore the No Entry sign and illegally enter Raeberry Street. This situation is likely to lead to a collision at the junction of Raeberry Street and Mount Street.
  10. Drivers regularly ignore the No Entry signs at the junction of Braeside Street with Maryhill Road and drive illegally into Braeside Street. The No Entry signs are set too far back from the corner of Braeside Street and are difficult to see from Maryhill Road which exacerbates the problem.

For further information about the RPZ see our Parking page.



  • Gerard Healy

    I am not surprised.The whole new road set up was flawed and not required. The short one way at top of Yarrow via Wilton St is a joke.There will be accidents….these new layouts were about making money from parking charges and do not help residents

  • Tricia Breslin

    I have footage of cars speeding from Maryhill Road onto Raeberry St , then down Mount St onto Nth Woodside Rd to beat the traffic lights at the junction of Maryhill Rd and Napiershall St.
    The no entry system at the top of Mount St and Raeberry St is ignored by most motorists who shoot through onto the roundabout .
    This road layout has been placed the wrong way around, it should have been for motorists travelling south down Mount St.
    maybe if us residents were consulted in the first place it wouldn’t have ended up in such a mess!

  • Alison

    There are issues with the zones not been regularly monitored. We are having issues on Clouston st with cars that don’t pay permits continuing to park on the street because their chance of being ticketed is so infrequent that it’s cheap to take the hit when they do get one. So the repeatedly park. Mainly people that live in the HMOs. During term time I am finding there is no parking after 6.30pm compared to the uni break when I have a choice of up to 10 spaces

  • Gerard Healy

    I e mailed councillors about this at planning stage and thereafter.I lived in Yarrow for 30 years…I know the area…..the whole thing was a shambles…a money maker.
    They have created a bottle neck in various parts…
    These works are designed by council officers who do not often live in areas they plan for.
    Mitigations are not considered eg Saturday football traffic/School drop off/University term.
    However they will never change it once it is done

  • I live in Yarrow gardens and it has become a constant rat run since the new RPZ. We the residents have to put up with the harmful extra pollution and noise.
    I have witnessed a few near accidents at the top of Yarrow Gardens due to drivers ignoring the No Entry sign heading West along Wilton St and the dangerous position of the bike hub which is placed in a position too near the corner of Yarrow Gardens and Wilton St. This causes a blind spot for drivers coming up Yarrow Gardens when turning left.
    Braeside Steet could do with more parking bays. Especially on the East side near Maryhill Rd.

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