Minutes – 19 March 2008

North Kelvinside Community Council Minutes from meeting on 19th March 2008 Attendees Mark S Adams (Chair) Peter Blackshaw (Secretary) Kevin Edgar (Treasurer) Liz Edgar Colin Dobbie Janet Andrews Dorothy Gow Susie Hallas Alex Copland ( C&S Glasgow) Keiran Wild ( GCC Councillor) […]

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Minutes – 20 February 2008

North Kelvin Community Council Minutes Wednesday 20 February 2008 at 6.30pm Queens Cross Community Room Present: Mark Adams (MA) (Chair); Dave Beavan (DB) (Website & Library); Peter Blackshaw (PB) (Secretary); Eddie Devlin (ED); Kevin Edgar (KE) (Treasurer); Liz Edgar (LE); Dorothy […]

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Minutes – 16 January 2008

North Kelvin Community Council Minutes Wednesday 16 January 2008 at 6.30pm Queens Cross Community Room Present: Gillian Stevenson (GS) (Vice-Chair); Janet Andrews (JA); Dave Beavan (DB) (Website & Library); Peter Blackshaw (PB) (Secretary); Kevin Edgar (KE) (Treasurer); Liz Edgar (LE); Councillor […]

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Minutes – 19 December 2007

North Kelvin Community Council Minutes Wednesday 19 December 2007 at 6.30pm Crosslands Bar, Queen Margaret Drive Present: Mark Adams (MA) (Chair); Dave Beavan (DB) (Website & Library); Peter Blackshaw (PB) (Secretary); Eddie Devlin (ED); Kevin Edgar (KE) (Treasurer); Liz Edgar (LE); […]

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Minutes – 21 November 2007

North Kelvin Community Council Minutes Wednesday 21 November 2007 at 6.30pm Queens Cross Community Room Present: Mark Adams (MA) (Chair); Dave Beavan (DB) (Website & Library); Peter Blackshaw (PB) (Secretary); Eddie Devlin (ED); Dorothy Gow (DG); Councillor Jim MacKechnie (JM); Gillian […]

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Minutes – 15 October 2007 (AGM)

NORTH KELVIN COMMUNITY COUNCIL AGM / ELECTION MEETING 15 OCTOBER 2007 7.00 P.M. ST CHARLES CHURCH HALL, 1 KELVINSIDE GARDENS NOTES OF ELECTION MEETING In Attendance Mark Adams Kevin Edgar Peter Blackshaw Kirsty Davidson Gillian Stevenson Susannah Hallas Elizabeth Edgar Michael […]

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Minutes – 14 December 2005

Minutes 14 December 2005 (draft text) Present K.R (secretary, Enviro SC), D.N (Youth SC, NW Area Comm), M.A ( NK pitches/school SC) J.A. M (chair, Enviro.) R. N(Info, NK pitches /school site SC) J. A, Cllr J. Mackechnie (GCC) Apologies […]

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Minutes – 14 September 2005

Minutes Date: 14 September 2005 1. Welcome and Registration: a) PresentS P (Chair), RN (Information), D G (Vice-Chair) Councillor J. MacKechnie b) In attendance: PC Addison ( Strathclyde Police) and another police officer 2. Minutes of Previous Meeting and Matters […]

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Minutes – 10 August 2005

Draft Minutes Date: 10th August 2005 Time: 7pm Location: Queens Cross Community Rooms Welcome and Registration: a) Present: SP (Chair), R N (Information),M T (Planning),D G (Vice-Chair),BG(Health),Cllr J MacK (GCC) b) Apologies: AL, DN, JA Minutes of Previous Meeting and […]

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Minutes – 8 June 2005

Minutes 8 June 2005 1. Welcome and Registration: a) Present: SP (Chair), R N (Information),M T (Planning),D G (Vice-Chair),D N(Youth Sub-committee),A L (Treasurer) b) Apologies: Councillor J MacK, B G c) In attendance: PC Addison ( Strathclyde Police), PC Starkey […]

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