Help with computers and using online services
Need help with computers, smartphones and the internet?
It’s an online world where many organisations (including Glasgow City Council) have shifted most service contact to digital only, not in person or by phone.
Being online can offer information (like NHS Inform) and advantages (eg compare service provider prices) that you miss out on if you don’t have the digital skills or technology to get online.
How to get help
See below for our short guide to some sources of help, from workshops for learning or building digital skills, to services offering support when you feel stuck or not sure of your next steps. Click on the links, or call the Freephone numbers.
Some of these activities are in person, others may take place online.
It’s free and simple for anyone to use a computer and connect to the internet in any Glasgow public library, if you don’t have a digital device.
There may be other services we’ve not listed. Let us know if you can recommend a service not listed here!
NKCC is not responsible for the organisations or services listed here or any changes they make to what’s on offer.
Digital Support Helpline. Call from anywhere in Scotland Monday to Friday, 10.00am to 4.00pm: 0800 0590 690
Digi-pals: Volunteers in Glasgow libraries can provide one-to-one help with all kinds of digital and online stuff. Drop-in at set times.
Note: to register for the Glasgow Life courses, email or call Freephone 0800 1583974.
Getting started with computers: Free, in-person class in a library to help with the basics of computers, internet, email and online shopping. Register to join.
Introduction to iPad and tablets: Free, in-person class in a library to learn, or brush up, using these devices for activities like e-books, or photo-editing. Register to join.
Digital skills workshops: Learning sessions held in-person at various locations, or on Microsoft Teams, covering subjects like social media, using the cloud, keeping safe online. Register to join.
Learning bytes: Free, short learning sessions on subjects like downloading apps and video-calling. Held on Microsoft Teams so you need some computer skills and an email address. Register to join.
Developing skills
Learn my way: A website of free learning for beginners, to develop digital skills like online basics, finding a job online. If you want a Glasgow Life tutor to help get started, register using the email or phone number noted above. Free online courses and online learning including over 1000 IT (information technology) courses.
Glasgow code learning: Courses at three levels to improve your digital skills and get a qualification for employment and study. For people with basic computer skills. Conditions apply. Call 07775 006939 or email
SQA: Digital guides from the Scottish Qualifications Authority on topics like claiming child benefit, requesting a service, set up an SQA Academy account. Guest access for some courses, register for others.
Difficulties with reading and numbers
If you, or someone you know, feel that difficulties with reading and numbers are stopping you getting comfortable online, support is available.
Glasgow Life contact Freephone 0800 027 6402 or email
Glasgow Helps online directory
Move On literacy and numeracy service. Call Linda 07718 441715.
Plugged In – IT Recycling Project
North West Glasgow Voluntary Sector Network takes donations of IT equipment and referrals for free recycled IT equipment for people and families in North West Glasgow.