Category: NKCC meeting NKCC monthly meeting

NKCC monthly meeting

4 June 2024 at 6.30pm

Maryhill Community Central Halls

Agenda (revised)

  1. Election of minute secretary for this meeting and new community councillor, Patricia Grant
  2. Approval of the minutes of last meeting
  3. Police report
  4. Follow-up on actions from previous meeting
  5. Councillors’ reports
  6. Communications report
  7. Alcohol and drug recovery – guest speaker John Campbell
  8. Rubbish – Melrose Gardens street bins, dog excrement
  9. School activities
  10. QMD Festival
  11. Local place plans
  12. Planning officer’s report
  13. House of multiple occupancy (HMO) licensing report
  14. Community clean-up – date and location (QMD 23 June)
  15. Any other business

Date of next meeting – 6 August 2024

Community Central Hall
292–316 Maryhill Road
Glasgow, G20 7YE

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